Show All
Shows unchanged, same change, left change, right change, different change and conflict lines.
Show Changes
Shows same change, left change, right change, different change and conflict lines.
Show Conflicts
Shows conflict lines.
Show Left Changes
Shows same change, left change, different change and conflict lines.
Show Right Changes
Shows same change, right change, different change and conflict lines.
Show Mergeable
Shows same change, left change, right change, and different change lines.
Show Unchanged
Shows unchanged lines.
Show None *
Shows no lines.
Show Context
Shows lines surrounding differences. The number of context lines can be set in Text View Options.
Ignore Unimportant Differences
Treats unimportant differences as same.
Favor Left Changes
Suppresses highlighting of left-only changes in output.
Favor Right Changes
Suppresses highlighting of right-only changes in output.
Ignores (or un-ignores) differences in selected lines or current section.
Visible Whitespace
Shows or hides visible spaces, tabs.
Line Numbers
Shows or hides line numbers.
Syntax Highlighting
Shows or hides syntax highlighting.
Display Font *
Selects the font to use in editor panes.
Side-by-side Layout
Arranges editor panes side-by-side.
Over-under Layout
Arranges editor panes above and below each other.
Thumbnail View
Shows or hides the thumbnail summary of changes at left of view.
Center Pane
Shows or hides center pane.
Text Details
Shows or hides the text details panel at bottom of view.
Hex Details
Shows or hides the hexadecimal details panel at bottom of view.
Shows or hides the line details ruler.
File Info
Shows or hides file information panels at the top of editor panes.